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User manual

Changes in version 2022.1

Push notifications for the JobRouter App have been introduced.

Please note: To receive push notifications, JobRouter version 2022.01 and JobRouter App version 3.1 are required. In addition, the JobRouter App must reconnect to the JobRouter.

Changes in version 5.2

Substitution box is now supported

The document scanner has been improved. (optimized work with multiple pages)

Large SQL lists are now supported

General redesign of the interface

License query (JobMobile) was built in

Opening an external web page from the app

Changes in version 5.0

In this version, the JobRouter app for step processing has been enhanced. An input box, start box and mobile elements have been added to the app.

Changes in version 4.3

In this version, the JobRouter app was introduced. Documents can be uploaded to the JobRouter Document Hub.