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Full text search

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A full text search can be used in archive views to filter indexed documents by their content.

Archive view with full text search

Archive view with full text search

You can use the following input to narrow down the search results of the full-text search:


Search result


Documents that include the term JobRouter

JobRouter Mannheim

Documents that include the term JobRouter and/or the term Mannheim

+JobRouter +Mannheim

Documents, that include both the term JobRouter and the term Mannheim

+JobRouter -Mannheim

Documents that include the term JobRouter but not the term Mannheim

"JobRouter Mannheim"

Documents that include the term JobRouter Mannheim (Quote search)


Documents that begin with JobRout (Wildcard search)

+"JobRouter Mannheim" -Work*

Documents that include the term JobRouter Mannheim but no terms that begin with Work

The wildcard search with * at the beginning or in the middle of the term (e.g. Job*Router or *Router) is not supported because of the excessive query run time.