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Introducing JobRouter

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JobRouter is a cross-sector digitization platform that is used for the comprehensive digitization and automation of all company related processes, data, and documents. This includes, among others, the following functionalities: excellent process automation, intelligent receipt recognition, agile document management, efficient data management, and audit-proof archiving.

JobRouter offers companies a scalable platform for digital transformation, performed comprehensively or step-by-step. Thanks to its own strong functionalities and flexible interfaces, JobRouter can be integrated seamlessly in all existing system environments, supporting their enhancement. JobRouter is using the existing systems to collect, process, archive, or transfer data and documents and initiates new processes. By means of clearly defined rules JobRouter is increasing digital efficiency, transparency, and control for every company.

Based on its flexible, modular and scalable technology, companies use the JobRouter digitization platform for the creation of individual depictions of their process-oriented applications. Furthermore, JobRouter enables the creation of cross-application, certifiable, and quickly adaptable processes, as well as digital work: mobile, local or in the cloud.