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User manual

A process designer can configure a mobile step to require the JobRouter App user to provide their geo-location data.

In the properties of a mobile step, it can be specified whether the geolocation request is required or optional.

If the geolocation is set to Required, a message is displayed each time a step is opened. The user can decide here whether to open the step or cancel it.

Zustimmung Geolocation

Zustimmung Geolocation

When the location step is opened for the first time on the smartphone, the user must agree to the authorisation to retrieve the device location.

Standortbestimmung Berechtigung

Standortbestimmung Berechtigung

Please note: In order for the device location to actually be determined, the Location setting must be activated on the smartphone.



If the location setting on the smartphone is switched off or the location cannot be determined, an error message appears in the JobRouter app and the step cannot be opened.

Please note: The JobMobile module is required for the use of geolocation