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User manual

The request Information function lets you send a step back to a sending user or Job Function with a question. The user or member of the Job Function will own the step again and can work on it and/or answer the question. You cannot work on it until it is returned to you.

Which users and Job Functions are available for selection depends on the selection type defined in the process design:

Process functions and users - only the Job Functions assigned to the process or members of these can be selected.

All functions and users - you can choose from all the users and Job Functions in the JobRouter system.

Click on Request to see the following pop-up window.

Requesting information

Requesting information

You can request information from another user or the members of a Job Function, the same way as assigning a step (see chapter Assigning a step). Enter your question in the Comment field and click on Request. The window closes and the question will be forwarded to the selected user or Job Function.

The user will see the step with the information request in his inbox. Clicking on it opens the form with the question.

Information request form

Information request form


The question can be seen in the notification. Click on Answer to answer. A pop-up window opens.

Answering an information request

Answering an information request

The pop-up window will tell you, who send the information request and what was asked. Enter your answer in the Answer field and click the Answer button. The pop-up window will close automatically. Your response will be send back.