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User manual

Many companies use SharePoint as their Intranet solution. The users are familiar with this software environment and there they gain access there to other applications, too. With the JobRouter Add-In for SharePoint, SharePoint users have now the possibility to start processes on JobRouter and have direct access to their inboxes.

Authentication is performed either via NTLM or by redirection of the logged-in SharePoint users to JobRouter, which eliminates the need for another authentication.

Please note: To use this module the user authentication has to be activated via token. This setting can be found in JobRouter in Configuration > Security settings > Token Login.

Start processes

A startbox is displayed when a process is started. In this view all start steps are listed as tiles. From here the SharePoint user can open, fill in and send the respective form without leaving the SharePoint environment.

Edit processes

The SharePoint Add-In displays the Inbox additionally, so users can see and edit all steps in their inboxes. Here again, the editing of single processes is possible directly via SharePoint, without the need to login on JobRouter separately.