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Overview of changes

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All changes to JobRouter are listed here, sorted by version.

Changes in version 2023.1


Inactive users can be automatically logged out of JobRouter after a specified time interval. The logout is executed directly and not after the next click.

An inactivity counter is displayed to the user. This can be reset manually. If multiple browser tabs are open, the user will be logged out on all tabs after the inactivity has expired.

Changes in version 2022.2

Action buttons in steps

For the actions requests and assignment, the designer can restrict the selection. This may mean that requests or assignments can no longer be addressed to all roles or users.

Changes in version 2022.1

New result column Relevance for Elasticsearch archives

The administrator can add the new column Relevance for archive views. This is designed to weight and sort full text search results according to their degree of correspondence with the entered search terms.

Changes in version 5.2

Office Online

Users can open and edit Microsoft Office documents (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) directly from a JobRouter archive in the Office Online integration.

Search in the archive

Now it is possible to search for expressions and texts in an opened archive document (JobViewer 2).

Search by using navigation bar

A search field is provided in the navigation bar. When a search term is inserted, only menus containing this expression are displayed.

Login via SAML

The login via SAML 2.0 can be used as an additional authentication option.


On the Help page, user tours can now be started and all available manuals can be opened.

Changes in version 5.1

Use data record as template (JobData)

The action Use as template is now available for data record editing. This allows you to copy the values of an existing data record to create a new one. Thus you can easily create records with partially identical values.

Search field for start steps

In the start step menu, you can now use the search field to search for a specific start step.

Printing files

JobViewer 2 now offers the possibility to print files with or without annotations. To do this, the requested file is exported into a PDF format and opened in a new browser tab. Depending on the browser, the print dialog is automatically displayed or must be opened manually.

Changes in version 5.0

Collective notification / e-mail notification

If there are no steps, which the user has to perform, the sending of collective notifications can be enabled now in the section e-mail notifications in the user settings.

Search in DocumentHub

In the DocumentHub it is now possible to filter by document name, upload date and comment.

Display annotation creator

If you overrun annotations with the mouse in JobViewer 2 the creator of the annotation as well as the date and time of the creation or the last modification is displayed.

Download as PDF in archive views

The Download as PDF function in the Archive view converts all files of the selected document into PDF format and combines them to one PDF file.

Copy file to DocumentHub

The file currently displayed in JobViewer 2 can be comfortably copied to the DocumentHub.

Changes in version 4.3

Multiple Dashboards

It is now possible to create Multiple dashboards.

JobRouter App

In the JobRouter menu the user can register his mobile device by scanning a QR code in JobRouter and delete the registration again.


Users can upload documents and files in DocumentHub. Subsequently, they are available in the dialog of FILE elements and within the archive view. Documents can be uploaded to the DocumentHub via the JobRouter app.

JobData: Event logging of records

For table contents managed in JobData it is possible to activate the recording of actions. So the adding, modification, deletion, and import of a data record can be recorded and viewed in an own protocol via the menu Manage tables.

Changes in version 4.2


For reading and editing data records the users can now determine themselves, which columns they want to see from their accessible columns in the overview.

No notification symbols in process inboxes for edited steps

In process inboxes, which display only all edited steps, the notification symbols for process inboxes and the related categories are no longer displayed.

E-mail notifications for step actions

Notifications for new steps, requests/responses and assignments can be configured separately in the user settings.

The information about receiving a step as a representative was moved from the e-mail subject into the text.

New JobViewer in Archive Views

Stored PDF files of an archive can now, if configured accordingly, be opened by the new JobViewer.

Changes in version 4.1

Maintain database tables via JobRouter

With the new module JobData new tables can be created and maintained without direct database access. To be able to use JobData an according license is necessary.

Batch processing process and box comprehensive

If a user activates batch processing in one step, the function is comprehensively active in all boxes and steps.

Forgotten password function on the login page

You can request an e-mail on the login page that enables you to set a new password.

Decimal format in forms

If a user has disabled the thousands separator in the range Formatting in his settings, the separator from the general settings will no longer be used.

Changes in version 4.0


The notifications are now displayed on the right side of the browser window in JobRouter and replaces the previous message area above the main content. Due to their relevance (errors, warnings, info, success), they are marked both in color and with a symbol and can be removed individually. Information and success notifications are hidden after five seconds, by default. If the mouse pointer is over the notification area, the auto-hide function is disabled.

New symbols for reports

New symbols have been created for the overview columns of the JobArchive, instance history, DW client and DW webclient type. For columns of the Script type, a default symbol is displayed, if none is defined.

Upload multiple files when filing documents

Storage dialogs can now be used to archive several files at once instead of just one file in archive views. The order of the files can be adapted before the file is stored.

Change files from a document

Additional files can be added in the index forms. It is also possible to delete existing files or change the order of the files in a documents if you have the permission to file the document.

File preview in index forms

In index dialogs uploaded files can be loaded in a preview view. If you click on a file, it will be displayed in the JobViewer, if available, otherwise the file will be downloaded.

Show manual

All available manuals can now be listed and displayed in the JobRouter menu Show Manual.

Start instances

New instances can now be started from every page via a link in the header.


Each user can add widgets with special information that are interesting to him to the JobRouter home screen. Therefore the user gets an overview of the most important information immediately after logging in.

Excel export in the JobSelect module

The Excel files are now created in xlsx format (Excel 2007 and newer).

Changes in version 3.9

Context menu for actions in the archive view

Actions in archive views (such as Show in viewer) can now be accessed via a context menu instead of individual buttons in the actions column.

Searching with * in archive views

It is possible to search for results with the place holder * in filters of Standard Filter type.  

Summarized notifications

The user can activate the setting Summarized notification in his personal settings, if he wants to receive a summary of all open steps per e-mail at a specific time.

Changes in version 3.8

Upper and lower case in passwords

Security settings now offer the additional possibility to enforce the use of upper and lower case letters in user passwords. This setting only affects new passwords, it has no effect on already existing passwords.

Filter on IMAP folder path

The JobStart module now supports the ability to apply a filter on the IMAP folder path in the email import tasks.

Abort steps

Steps can now be aborted via an action button. Steps can also be aborted via the JavaScript API function jr_execute. A JavaScript event OnAbortConfirm is available.

Rights management via user profiles

From now on, it can be set in the security settings if the rights management for users should be handled for the users directly or via user profiles.

If the rights management is set to be done via user profiles, the tab to assign individual user rights in the edit user menu is no longer available. Instead, user rights are assigned in the respective tab in the edit user profile menu.

During the update or a new installation of the JobRouter web application, an additional user profile Privileged will be created. This user profile is equal to the default user profile that is currently already created during the installation, but with all user rights:

Manage users

Manage user rights

Manage Job Functions

Manage substitutes

Manage personal substitutes

Managing processes

Admin monitor


Access web service

If the rights management was handled for the user directly so far and is to be handled via user profiles in the future, the user managing the user rights requires the configuration right in addition to the administration right. Otherwise, accessing to the menu to edit user profiles is not possible.

Before the rights management is switched from user-based to user-profile-based, the user performing the switch has to be assigned the privileged user profile. Otherwise, the user would lose the configuration right he had previously. To avoid the unwanted loss of the configuration right, it will be checked when saving the security settings if the configuration right might be lost by the switch and prevented, if necessary. The same is true if the user management is to be switched from user profiles to users.

User-defined incident fields

In the general settings, two user-defined incident fields can now be configured that can be activated via user profiles for the inbox or completed box.

New JobViewer version

As of JobRouter 3.8, JobViewer version 10.1 is supported. This version allows you to convert documents into the PDF format or download the original file, depending on your permissions. For this, a new button was added to JobViewer.

Changes in version 3.7

Font size of forms

In the general settings, two different font sizes are now available for JobRouter forms. The setting Small corresponds to the standard of JobRouter 3.6 and lower.

System fields in archive views and result lists

In archive views and result lists, the JobArchive system fields Revision ID, Stored by, Stored on, Changed by, Changed on, Deletion date, File name and Number of pages are now available as result columns and filter fields.

Restrictions in archive views

The types of restrictions in archive views were adjusted. The conversion of the old restrictions is performed during the JobRouter patch. Details can be found in the log file created during the patch.

GUID added to the JobArchive archive

JobArchive documents can be also found by using the GUID of the archive via the REST-API.

Archive profiles added

Any number of archive profiles can be defined for individual archives. Archive profiles manage the user authorization of archives. In every archive profile, the rights (display, download, print, editing index fields, delete, allow annotations) and restrictions on index and system fields can be set for an archive. Each user can be assigned one archive profile per archive.

It can be set for every archive view, if the archive profiles of the archive are to be considered. Archive views without consideration of archive profiles are displayed to all members of the assigned Job Function. Archive views with consideration of archive profiles will only be visible to members of the assigned Job Function if they are also assigned to an archive profile for the archive. In this case, the rights and limitations assigned to the user via the archive profile take effect in the archive view (in addition to the possibly directly set limitations in the archive view).

Users assigned to an archive profile with activated right to delete documents, have the possibility to delete documents via the archive views and the REST-API from the corresponding archive.

Optionally, archive profiles can also be used when accessing documents and result lists via JobArchive form elements, JobArchive form integrations and JobSelect columns of the JobArchive type.

Support for multiple substitutes

From now on users are able to set multiple substitutes for their personal steps or steps assigned to them via a Job Function. Every substitute is able to process the incoming tasks during the user's absence.

Full-text support for JobArchive archives

Activating full-text support for individual JobArchive archives is now possible. The necessary indexing of the documents can be started at a specified time.

Full-text search can be activated in individual archive views for all archives with activated full-text support. When activated, an additional input field Full-text will be displayed in the filter of the archive view that can be used for a full-text search.

Support of Explorer integrations for JobArchive

Explorer integrations can be defined for individual JobArchive archives. These integrations can be maintained via the JobRouter user interface and read via the REST-API. This functionality is available in JobRouter systems with licensed JobExplorer module.

Export and import of JobArchive archives

Individual JobArchive archives can now be exported and imported again in every JobRouter system with licensed JobArchive module.

When exporting an archive, the archive definition including the index fields and if applicable the lists stored for individual index fields are provided as a ZIP file.

When importing the ZIP file for an archive, the archive name as well as the table name for the archive table can be changed. Choosing the storage that is to be used is obligatory during the import.

The Flash version of JobViewer was removed

The outdated Flash version of JobViewer is no longer supported and thus removed from JobRouter.

Check for the maximum amount of users as set in the license

The maximum amount of users set in the JobRouter license is now checked.

If 90 percent of the maximum number of documents is reached or exceeded, users with configuration rights will receive a respective notification when logging in. As soon as the licensed number of users is exceeded, every user will receive a respective warning during every login. Respective messages will also be displayed in the admin monitor and the user overview.

Creating more users (manual or via the LDAP user import) is not possible anymore, as long as the maximum amount of allowed users is reached or exceeded. To be able to create more users, a license upgrade is necessary.

For the time being, blocked users do not count when checking for the maximum number of users.

Check for the maximum amount of documents as set in the license

The maximum amount of documents set in the JobRouter license is now checked.

If 90 percent of the maximum number of documents is reached or exceeded, users with configuration rights will receive a respective notification when logging in. The notification is also visible in the admin monitor.

Archiving further documents is not possible anymore, as long as the maximum amount of documents is reached or exceeded. To be able to archive further documents, a license upgrade is necessary.

New menus for instance management and service configuration

Two new panels were added in Admin Tools/Configuration for instance management and service configuration. These menus offer an easy possibility to manage JobRouter instances and to configure service and module settings.

Right to print in archive views

The right to print documents from an archive can be assigned in the configuration of archive views. The right is considered in JobViewer.

Required fields in JobArchive archives

Every field can be marked as required in the archive configuration. If an index field is marked as required, it cannot be saved with an empty value. This property can be removed or added at any time.

Archiving documents in an archive

Documents can be stored in an archive without using a process, if the corresponding right has been granted. For this, the Archive document option now exists in archive profiles and archive views.

A new option Archive dialog was added in the general settings of the archive view that can be used to select an index dialog.

Send timeout for e-mails

A send timeout can be defined in the JobMail configuration to set a time limit when retrying to send an e-mail that could not be sent due to network problems. If the send timeout is exceeded, an errors message is displayed in the JobMail protocol. In addition, the time of the first attempt to send is also visible.

Postpone for oneself or Job Function

When postponing a step, the user can now decide if he wants to postpone the step for himself or for the Job Function of the step. This choice is only available in the postpone pop-up, if a Job Function is assigned to the respective step. Otherwise the step will be postponed just for the current user, as before.

OnClick in JobSelect reports for the result columns DW WebClient and JobArchive

In JobSelect reports, a script function can now be added to result columns of the DW WebClient or JobArchive type that is executed when clicking the buttons in the report. The return value False can be used to disable the default behavior of the buttons.

Logging of actions applied to steps and instances

The logging of actions applied to steps and instances was extensively expanded. For this, a step action log and an instance action log were added. The step action log of individual steps can be opened in the step overview, the instance action history of individual instances can be opened in the instance overview.

The following administrative actions applied to steps in the step overview are now logged in the step action log: Abort Step, Reactivate Step, Change Completion Time, Resend Step

Deleting a step is logged in the instance history.

The following user actions applied to steps are now logged in the step action log: Save, Reserve, Release, Priority, Postpone

The following administrative actions applied to instances in the instance overview are now logged in the instance action log: Change Completion Time, Import, Export, Synchronization (JobSync), Re-import from an archive (JobShift)

Deleting an instance is recorded in the global action log.

The archiving (JobShift) of an instance is recorded in the instance action log of the archived instance as well as in the global action log.

Display of archive information in admin monitor

If the JobArchive module is licensed, the admin monitor will display information on the module, such as number of archived files and the used memory.

Multilingual capability

The option for multilingual translations of texts will now only be displayed if a respective license for the Enterprise Edition is present. The following menu points are an exception, allowing for a multilingual configuration even without enterprise license:

DocuWare WebClient integrations in the JobRouter menu

User-defined hyperlinks

Time-controlled sending of e-mails  

The JobMail module now supports time-controlled sending of e-mails. For this, the column indate of the JRMAIL table is used. The outgoing e-mails will be stored in this table until they are sent by JobMail. Sending the e-mail will be delayed until the time set in the indate column is reached. If the indate column has no value (zero), the e-mail will be send immediately after being written into the table.

System analysis

To more easily identify problems with the use of JobRouter, a system analysis was integrated in JobRouter 3.7. This feature aids administrators with the analysis of the system configuration, the log files and other centrally administrated aspects. The contents of the analysis can be imported and exported, which allows reviewing analysis results from external systems or forwarding the own results to the support responsible.

Monitoring the subfolders of e-mail account inboxes

The JobStart module now supports monitoring the subfolders of e-mail account inboxes. This option is only available for IMAP accounts.

Changes in version 3.6

New Columns in the inbox, sbstitution and completed box

The following columns are now available in the inbox, substitution and completed box:

Initiator of an instance as full name and user name

Start date of an instance

End date of an instance (only completed box)

Deadline of an instance (only in inbox and substitution box)

All new columns can be activated in the user profile. They are not active by default.

New Security settings

The following new settings are available in the security settings:

Prevent integration in Iframe: After activating this option, JobRouter can no longer be integrated into Iframes of external domains.

Error messages: This option allows to hide details of security relevant error messages from JobRouter users without admin rights.

Initialization queries in JobSelect reports

An initialization query can now be defined in JobSelect, it will be executed before the actual JobSelect query is run. It can be found in the JobSelect configuration tab Database where a new Initialization query field has been added.  

A Refresh button is now visible in JobSelect reports. Clicking it will reload the JobSelect report and - if set - run the initialization query first.

Geno SSO Token Login

In JobRouter 3.6, users can automatically log in by passing a so called Geno SSO combined ticket. To use this feature, simply pass a valid Geno SSO combined ticket in the HTTP header of the request.

Integration of JobArchive result lists via URL

It is now possible to integrate JobArchive result lists via URL in external applications. The URL to access a specific result lists is always user specific and only valid for the respective user. It includes a signature that protects it from any manipulation. Additionally, URL parameters can be encoded using a passphrase.

Further information on the generation of URLs can be found in the JobRouter Tech Doc as well as in the JobRouter PHP API manual.

Annotations in JobViewer

The JobViewer module can now manage annotations, if the option Allow annotations is enabled in an archive view.

Display of subtables in the step overview

Next to the process table, subtables can now be displayed in the step overview. Furthermore, stored files can be downloaded directly using a link.

New overview for process categories

A new overview is available for JobRouter process categories, allowing the user comfortable access to boxes related to categories.

Event logs in JobArchive

It is now possible to activate an event log for every JobArchive archive and display it in a report. The following actions can be logged:






Index dialogs for archive views

Index dialogs can be set for archive views using the new Manage Index Dialogs option in the JobRouter configuration of the JobArchive module. Managing Index Dialogs Define index dialogs for individual archives. Those index dialogs can then be used in archive views, allowing the user to see the contents of system or index fields that are not included in the archive view as result column.

Confirmation prompt for unsaved form entries

Enabling Confirmation check when exiting steps in the configurations displays a conformation prompt when a user tries to exit a changed dialog window.

Repeating scheduled tasks in JobStart

Daily scheduled tasks can now be repeated. This allows executing a task once a day at a specific time, or during a specific time frame repeatedly all few minutes or hours.

Displaying clipped documents in JobViewer (HTML5)

Clipped documents can now be selected in JobViewer (HTML5) in a field in the upper right corner and displayed. The field is only visible if clipped documents are available.

Postpone status selectable for inboxes

Postpone can now be selected as a new status when editing inboxes in the workflow designer. This box will only display steps of the process that the user postponed himself.

Status selection can be activated in the inbox filter

Status Selection can be selected when editing inboxes in the workflow designer. A picklist will be displayed in the filter of the inbox containing the different step statuses depending on the status of the inbox.

Global connections selectable in JobSelect

Global connections are now available when editing JobSelect reports. The global database connections stored in JobRouter can be used for the SQL query and also for filters of the selection type.

Changes in version 3.5

New color scheme

The new JobRouter_2013 color scheme is being shipped with JobRouter 3.5.  It will be automatically activated in all user profiles after a new installation. During an update to version 3.5, the color scheme will be added and you can select it manually afterwards,

If you want to import the color scheme into an existing version without performing an update, you can download it as an XML export file in the customer portal. You can add it to your JobRouter via the import function.

Design adjustments

There have been design improvements in the whole application. Many details were adjusted to simplify working with JobRouter. For example, the navigation menu has been revised and better sorted and the logos have been adapted to the new JobRouter look.

New AutoComplete element

A new AutoComplete element has been integrated in all JobRouter dialogs. It is considerably easier to use compared to the previous version. A broader input field is now available when selecting users using an AutoComplete element.

Category mode

To make the work with multiple inboxes easier and clearer for the user, a new category mode was introduced. Category mode is an alternative to the normal structure of the navigation menu, sorting the inbox, the substitution box, the completed box as well as the overview and archive view into categories. Every user can decide in his settings if he wants to use the default layout or the category layout.

Presentation of process inboxes in the substitution or completed mode

Process inboxes of the substitution or completed type in the standard navigation menu are now sorted differently. If the boxes are not set to be subdirectories, substitution boxes will be shown after inboxes and completed boxes after the completed menu item. If the boxes are set to be a Subdirectory, they will be displayed identical to the inbox with a drop down menu.

Use of semaphore files in JobStart

In many cases it is necessary to wait for a (usually describing) file during the start of a process using a file import. In practice this can be e.g. a PDF or XML file. JobStart now supports the use of such semaphore files and can transfer those files to the process as additional attachment, allowing the process to e.g. read the XML file.

Delay of import tasks in JobStart

It can happen in some cases that files are not locked while they are written in the import directory. In that case JobStart would import the files before they were completely created. JobStart now offers the option to set a time it waits after the last file size change before the file gets imported.

Time-controlled Initiating of processes

The new scheduled tasks of the JobStart module allow starting time-controlled processes with definable parameters. It is possible, e.g., to start a process to perform a specific task every day at a set time without the need for an external script. JobStart scheduled tasks can currently be set to happen once, daily or weekly. In the future repetitions during the day as well as monthly tasks will be supported.

Direct display of documents in the integration

The dialog integration Attachment was extended by a new function, allowing setting the source of the document not only as a process table field, but also as a form field. This always to instantly show a file in the integration after it was uploaded using a FILE form element.

Display of the last synchronization

If LDAP synchronization is active, it will show when a user account was last synchronized in the user administration.

Process owner as job function

Process owners can be assigned using Job Functions in addition to the assignment as user. This allows for an easier management of responsibilities especially for large installations with many processes and users or an external user administration.

Hierarchical storage mode for the upload directory

Since JobRouter version 3.4 it is possible to switch from a flat storage mode for attachments in the upload directory to a hierarchical storage mode. A new installation will now automatically use the hierarchical storage mode. If you want to transfer processes with attachments from one system to another, we recommend using the same storage mode on both systems.

New module: JobArchive

The new module JobArchive allows you to create archives to store documents short or long term. With it JobRouter gains a complete, integrated electronic document archive. This allows to very easily integrate archiving functions into processes. Also, the search for documents can be done easily using the JobRouter interface.

New module: JobViewer

The new module JobViewer allows displaying any file in the browser, regardless of the installed display programs on the client. The Viewer supports over 300 different file types. A complete list can be found in the document Module JobViewer document formats that can be downloaded in the JobRouter customer portal.

JobViewer can be integrated in JobRouter in the following places:

In forms via the element File and Attachment

As form integration Attachment

In archive views

In process inboxes in columns of the JobArchive DocID type

JobSelect reports For columns of type JobArchive

A special feature of the Viewer is the saving of the window position and size for each user and screen resolution. This allows users to customize their workplace without a problem and can additionally set different settings on different devices.

Currently two variants of the viewer are available. A HTML5 and a flash variant, however the flash variant will only be available for a short time. Only the HTML5 viewer will be supported in the viewer.

New module: JobSAP BAPI

The new SAP interface JobSAP BAPI offers the possibility to directly use JobRouter to communicate with SAP web services and call BAPI's. In contrary to the existing SAP interface no interface software is necessary.

JobSAP BAPI is constructed in a way that allows modifying existing scenarios or creating separate scenarios. This allows you to rapidly implement individual interfaces and SAP calls, even if the required scenario does not exist yet.

The interface can be integrated as a system step in any place of a process. Additionally, a form element to directly execute SAP functions in a form is available. This variant gives direct feedback to the user about the executed transaction. For example, the user can book an invoice and instantly gets a SAP document number.

For further information about this module, see the new JobSAP BAPI manual.

Changes in version 3.4

Time Zone Support (Enterprise Edition)

In version 3.4 JobRouter now offers individual time zone settings for the users. Each user can choose a time zone in their settings menu. Alternatively this setting can be adjusted by the administrator. Depending on the configuration of the processes all dates and times automatically adapt to the time zone. System information (Indate, completion time) is automatically converted. Form fields of the DATE type can optionally be converted. Introducing the time zone does not affect your existing processes, as long as the time zone settings of the form fields remain unchanged.

Extended multilingual support

Multilingual support in JobRouter was extended in several places in order to guarantee an improved and more complete translation of your processes and reports. The following elements can now additionally be translated.

Lists in the process designer (only supported in the Enterprise Edition)

Name, description, filter, result columns of JobSelect reports.

Process box actions (only supported in the Enterprise Edition)

DocuWare WebClient integrations in the JobRouter menu

User-defined hyperlinks

Performance optimizing when forms are displayed

When trying to display forms with several elements and a high rate of parallel access, the performance in JobRouter was occasionally affected. To counteract this, in JobRouter 3.4 changes have been made to the logic, so the forms are displayed quicker.

Saving the upload files

JobRouter 3.4 offers the possibility to save the Upload files in a new structure. Attachments used to be stored in subdirectories but all on the same level.

From version 3.4 in General Settings you can choose between the storage format Flat and Hierarchical. Flat corresponds to the old structure, Hierarchical to the new storage structure.

For new installations of JobRouter the default structure setting is hierarchical.

When the mode in an already existing system is changed, the new files will be stored in the new structure format from the point in time the mode was changed.

Opening hyperlinks in iFrame

User-defined hyperlinks can now alternatively be opened in an iFrame instead of a new window. Simply activate the option Open in iFrame in the settings for user-defined links.

Supporting several instances (SaaS license)

When JobRouter is used in conjunction with a SaaS license, it is possible to run several JobRouter instances with one installation. This applies to the web application as well as the services.

The instances consist of separated databases, which contain the JobRouter data and separated directories for the instance-specific files. When signing into JobRouter the user has to additionally, next to the user name and password, enter the instance number to decide which JobRouter he wants to sign into.

SQL Query for user-defined fields with empty selection

When a SQL list for a user-defined field is defined in the user settings, as of now an empty selection will be displayed as the first element of the drop-down list. This enables an empty selection.

JobSelect extension for passphrase

Since JobRouter 3.3 the instance overview in JobRouter is secured by a passphrase. In order to integrate the overview into an external program or call it up using a script, the link can be created by the user when they are familiar with the passphrase.

In JobSelect this task can now be avoided. From version 3.4 a new column type Instance overview is available. This type helps to imbed the instance history into JobSelect. You only have to pass the Processid. and JobRouter then creates the link and opens the instance history in a new form.

JobStart extensions

In the module JobStart (e-mail import) new options to hand over data to an instance have been added. Now CC-recipient name and CC-E-mail addresses can be obtained and passed to the process table or subtable. The e-mail text can also be handed over to the instance in form of HTML.

New module: JobViewer

The module JobViewer offers a state-of-the-art display-component for documents and files. The module can be used to display any document attached to a process or archived in JobRouter. The viewer can also be used as a form integration. With JobViewer you can display files in any browser without having to install an editing program on the client.

For further information on JobViewer and the supported file types see the new module description JobViewer.

Renaming of JobArchive to JobShift

The module JobArchive, which shifts old instance data into a separate database, has been renamed to JobShift. From version 3.4 the name JobArchive is used for the new integrated JobRouter archive.

Character set for external connections and DocuWare

For new JobRouter installations the manufacturer recommends to install the database with the Unicode character set. Using JobRouter in the Unicode mode allows the support of various languages within one installation.

When JobRouter is executed in Unicode mode, data from external connections has to be converted in order to be correctly displayed in JobRouter. To enable this, in the JobRouter version 3.4 the character set of the target database of a JobRouter database connection can now be set. This enables JobRouter to automatically convert the data during reading and writing. The false display or missing of special characters belongs now to the past.

Please note: In connection with SQL Server for new installations only the SQLSRV extension can be used.

Changes in version 3.3

New security settings

The menu security settings were expanded by features to manage inputs and outputs in JobRouter. The security in JobRouter can hereby be immensely improved. Inputs executed to harm the system can so be filtered.

Changes in version 3.2

Displaying the actual name in the instance history

In the column user name the real name of the user or substitute and their user name is displayed in the instance history.

JobStart PDF support

For file import tasks, PDF files can also be used for barcode recognition and separation.

Integrating JobRouter web services

With the JobRouter web service, JobRouter 3.2 offers an interface for communicating with the workflow management system. The latest JobRouter web service offers the possibility to update organizational data in JobRouter. This includes users, Job Functions, rights and process owners. For further information on the web service see the JobRouter web service manual.

Token login

JobRouter 3.2 allows you to login users automatically from other applications. To do so you can create or apply for a token through the database or through a web service call up. This token can then be used to log into JobRouter.

Improved NTLM Authentication / Single Sign-On

JobRouter 3.2 can be configured so when Windows authentication is used, the entire application does not run under the rights of the Windows user but a technical user. Signing into JobRouter takes place via the link jobrouter/NTLM.

IP restrictions

IP restrictions can be defined to improve the security for the usage of JobRouter as an Internet-based solution. You can define which (static) IP address can be activated for working with JobRouter. Users, which have other IPs assigned, cannot sign into JobRouter.

Changes in version 3.1

Automated saving

When a step is saved, the behavior of the button can be set to the new option Automated reservation in the step properties.

Color schemes

In the JobRouter configuration you can create and configure your own color schemes. With these color schemes you can individually adjust JobRouter to your liking. In the new menu different color elements of the JobRouter environment are available. These can be chosen directly by entering a hexadecimal code or by choosing a color from the color palette.

JobStart barcode extension

JobStart was extended by a component for barcode recognition. This component makes it possible to search incoming documents by barcode, extracting them and splitting the document into single documents, if necessary. The partial documents can either be started as single instances or handed over to a subtable.

Expanding the JobStart e-mail import

The e-mail import in the module JobStart was expanded so there is a generic mode additionally to the existing one. The generic mode can be used to hand over all information contained in an e-mail to the subtables of a process. This includes information such as e-mails and attachments.

New Option Keep me logged in

The new option Cookie login was integrated for logging into JobRouter. This function allows users to stay logged in even if the browser is closed. For this the checkbox on the main page in JobRouter has to be ticked. This function is mainly an alternative single sign-on method in case the Windows login fails.

Templates in subtable views

In subtable views templates can be used. These templates allow the user to save the data that was entered in a subtable view of a form as a template, so it can be reused in other instances. You can save as many templates as necessary for each user.

Changes in version 3.0

General Changes

A new start menu, which is available to all users, shows all the significant information and gives direct access to the most important JobRouter menus.

Look and feel

More transparent structure and representation of the admin tools

More transparent structure and representation of the configuration menus

New specific symbols for all significant JobRouter menus

The screen layout has been redesigned for simpler operation

All lists have been equipped with a pagination function

Start menu

A new start menu, which is available to all users, shows all the significant information and gives direct access to the most important JobRouter menus. For example, the user can see at a glance how many steps have been postponed or have run out of time.

User help

Operators logging into JobRouter for the first time are shown appropriate help for each menu.

Instance tracking

Users may mark individual instances for tracking. An overview of current status is available in a special tracking folder.

Process categories

Processes can be assigned categories. These categories will e.g. be shown in the start folder and can be used for filtering. It is also possible to open the start folder in a category view, in which the start steps are shown arranged by category.

User preferences

All user preferences for filtering and sorting are saved. Additionally, JobRouter users may specify how dates and numbers should be formatted. This feature can be very useful for companies operating in different countries.

Transparent Job Functions

JobRouter Job Functions can be highlighted for transparent processing. This enables all users in this Job Function to see all steps from other members of the Job Function in their folder for completed tasks. This offers a better overview for all members of a team.

Direct access to system functions

A new element allows quick navigation to certain JobRouter menus or to certain instances by entering a transaction code. For example, a user can jump directly to the menu for setting up a new user. Start steps may have their own transaction codes defined, and the corresponding start step will be immediately opened when that transaction code is entered.

JobRouter log

The JobRouter log contains every change made to system objects, such as users, Job Functions, or processes. These are stored continually and can be consulted at any time by the administrator.

Admin monitor

The new admin monitor menu may be used by the administrator to display in one convenient location any errors within the entire JobRouter application. The administrator can monitor error messages within the entire application including running instances.

Additionally, JobRouter status information including the number of users, Job Functions, steps, etc. may be called up.

Instance archive

The new add-on module called JobShift allows instances to be archived before being purged, thus keeping the database from growing too large. The instances are stored in a separate database. Process owners can find and reactivate archived instances at any time.

Test environment

The new JobRouter add-on module called JobSync permits processes, instances, and system data to be synchronized between a test system and a production environment. New and existing processes can be developed, altered and tested in the test system without affecting the production system.

Importing older processes

Older processes from JobRouter version 2.3 can still be imported into JobRouter and are automatically converted to the new format. The conversion allows next steps that point to step 99 to be converted to a completion rule.

Native access to the JobRouter database

ODBC is no longer the only way to access the JobRouter database. Now the system also allows direct access to the data sources. It is not necessary to create ODBC data sources during the installation.

Import / Export

Exporting processes takes place directly in the process overview and depends on the user rights. Several processes can be exported simultaneously.

Additionally, it is also possible to export individual instances along with their attached files and to then import them into other systems.

Editing e-mail notifications

Administrators can edit JobRouter e-mail notifications in every JobRouter installation and the e-mail text can be defined in every language known to the system.

Escalation calendar

By using the JobTimer module, a holiday calendar is added, in which days can be entered that will not be taken into account for escalation calculations. In each case the escalation time is extended by one day.

Integration of other applications

Up to five links to other systems or documents may be configured in the JobRouter menu bar.

Automatic check for updates

JobRouter automatically performs a regular check for new versions of the web application and individual services and notifies the administrator.

JobSelect integration

JobSelect queries can now be called directly from the menu and they are now displayed in the menu itself rather than a new window. Additionally, dialog-based JobSelect queries can be created, making direct changes to the XML files unnecessary.