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Additional functions

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In the upper right section of the form, additional step actions are available in a menu. You can access them by clicking step_actionbar_information:

Additional functions in a form

Additional functions in a form

The process designer defines which actions are available in the step properties.


The reserve function allows you to reserve a step. Other members of your Job Function can no longer work on it. To release the step click on this function again. If a step is reserved the symbol appears next to the menu reserve_icon.

Batch processing

Batch processing allows you to optimize the processing of multiple steps of an instance. If you want to process the steps of an instance in a batch, click on Batch Processing. This symbol appears stapelverarbeitung_icon next to the menu. If you have completed a step the system automatically opens the next step of the same process. That way you can work on every instance of a process without having to open each one individually. Batch processing presents the steps in the order that they appear in the inbox you are working from. By default, the inbox is sorted by indate.


If you want to track a step, click on Tracking. A symbol appears next to the menu nachverfolgung_icon. If you have activated the tracking for a step, you can observe the further processing in the tracking widget. However, you can not edit the step. To be able to track a start step you have to save it first.

Please note: The tracking widget is only available when it is enabled in the user profiles.


The comments function allows you to enter comments to the step for other users. If there are comments, the symbol appears next to the menu comment_icon. The comments are displayed and entered in a layer.




This function allows you to assign a priority level to the step. By default, steps have a medium priority. If high or low is selected, the corresponding symbol appears next to the menu.


Click on the Information menu item to open a layer with the information about the step.

Step information

Step information


Select the print function to print the dialog of a step.

Please note:

- In wide dialogs content may be cut off if they do not fit on one page width in the printed document.

- Integrations contained in the dialog will not be printed.

- The dialog content is displayed in a simplified version. Thereby, e.g. subtable elements are displayed as text and the names of uploaded files are displayed instead of the FILE element symbols.

- Printing background colors can be disabled in the browser settings.


This entry is displayed if the process owner has created a link to this step.

Process info

This function displays process information in a new window. These are maintained by the process owner.

Instance history

The instance history is displayed in a layer.


The flowchart is opened in a new window.


When you open a step via an inbox you can use the symbols steps_icon to scroll back and forth between the individual steps.


Click on the symbol ANWEND~1_img54 to close the dialog.